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The company orgart was founded in 2009 as a nonprofit limited company on the following premises:

  1. The liberal virtues "liberty" and "responsibility" create sustainable economical value and are the pillars of a sustainable culture for our society.

  2. Science is transforming our global culture unlike ever before, shaping society, challenging policy, inspiring arts and deepening our understanding of who we are, where we come from and where we’re heading.

  3. Evolution has a serious impact on our believes and behavior. In a competitive environment variation and selection is the principal of innovation and sustainable progress.

  4. Our believes and behavior are shaped by nature and culture. Therefore, there is no sustainable economic progress without social, ethical and esthetically values.

  5. Science and art affect every single person on our planet.

Our vision is to build a company for the 21st century that reflects and advances these convictions. orgart aims the sustainable development and exploitation of organizational innovations, pursues economic profit purposes and acts responsibly in relation to the environment and society.

Social and Environmental Responsibility
We consistently evaluate all areas of our business — from the light bulbs we use in our offices to the partners we work with — to encourage sustainability. To that effect, we are very interested in learning about products or services that would support this mission; if you are a potential provider or just want to share your ideas with us, please contact us.
